Now is the best time to get done for speeding. I got caught and did a SAC (speed awareness course) over the interweb in the pleasure of my own home. 2 1/2 hours with a couple of 10 min breaks chucked in, downsides are i had to supply my own tea and biscuits. Interestingly everyone else was a northerner so i wore a mask.
"Lockdown" is a false hope. If it was effective, it would have solved the problem during previous applications. Your government thinks it's in control and knows what to do. Wrong on both counts. Willfully breaking the law isn't the answer either. ... There. Now I think I upset all parties.
Lockdown. No lockdown. To me it appears to have accomplished one thing I feel certain of. Dividing people. Here in the states large numbers of people call it a hoax. They refuse to wear masks and are willing to fight about it. I agree with hobnail. The real villians are the people in charge. Who have shown themselves to be inept. So I would respectfullyy remind my fellow members we citizens didn't start this. And while we should all do what we can to help pointing fingers doesn't
The biggest mistake was lifting restrictions from the first lockdown too quickly. International travel should never have been allowed during the lockdown and letting people go off on holiday from July with the assumption that they would self isolate on return was a monumentally stupid idea.
if lock down is so effective how did the Yorkshire ripper who was locked down for 40 yrs manage to catch it and die.
Ive just recovered from covid and with blue skys, took my scrambler 1200 out today. Rode through some lovely back roads and a green lane and was exactly "what the doctor ordered" especially after a crap coupe of weeks. just a bit of cleaning up to do.
You need to watch your back dude. You openly admitted to riding your motorcycle on a motorcycle forum. Someone will be along shortly to tell you why you are a baby killing, dangerous, social pariah
But we did have ride our bikes to get there. And it was a cultural visit so there you have all the facts
To chuck my two pennies in: My other half is 150 miles away and we have formed a bubble as we are both 1 person house holds. I've had to travel back and forth a couple of times for work/look after my cats. She is struggling a bit for a few reasons, so this is is considered essential travel as far as Im concerned. Ive seen no plods, no stops and mostly third to half full roads (although yesterday was dead). My main crime is not riding a Triumph (as I let my Street Triple go) but riding my Thundercat and worst still looking to purchase a BMW 800ST. I understand I have betrayed every member on this forum and will look at repurchasing Triumph in the near future. Enjoyed reading about the trip by the way thanks for posting.
I can agree with that, the last time I had my speedy in the lounge it fell off the side stand and broke the coffee table!