Perhaps you should find a forum where you can sit around judging people you don't know or even the slightest things about them. This is a forum about motorcycles and riding them. If you want to criticise people for doing so perhaps you are in the wrong place.
Clearly you can use your motorcycle as a means of transport to complete an essential journey, be that shopping for essential supplies or connected to a work journey. I suppose the grey area with regards to recreational use is whether the ride itself would be classed as recreational or whether the intention was that you need to travel to a place for recreational purposes and then the bike simply becomes a means of transport to get you there.
Please note I have deleted some posts on this thread. The ones that are directly aimed at someone , yours Rooster is not aimed at one person but at ANYONE breaking Covid lockdown Rules and is humour. So it can stay . Please no direct insults . If someone wants to go out and risk getting pulled that's up to them . Keep it fun people .
Wayne, you might as well take out mine, no.22, in case anybody thinks I'm advertising stock cubes..........
Wayne, please consider deleting the entire thread. Trying to write a semi amusing / ironic post about riding motorcycles on a motorcycle forum appears to be some sort of crime. I didn't set out to get insulted (though i did expect someone to come on and say something along the lines of "rules is rules, and you should follow government dictats whatever any reasonable doubt") or insult anyone else myself but such is the times we are living in, the fuckwits have the last say. I really cannot believe that i have been in effect called an inherent risk taker when no one on here knows anything about my motoring history or riding style. Brief background, i passed my driving test in 1982. My last vehicle on vehicle collision was in 1987. My last vehicle on stationary object collision was in 1984. I have never had any points on my licence for any reason. I have only ever had 1 parking ticket, i got back while they were writing the ticket less than 5 minutes after the expiry of my paid time but they refused to rescind. This was in 1990. I am a professional driver so i don't do 20 miles a year. I really cannot be arsed to see if i need to revisit this post to defend myself from someone who knows nothing about me. Delete it all, let the people (sheep) who dont care about riding motorcycles or personal freedom or dictatorships ignoring due process to curtail individual freedom and tell you what you can do or cannot do win the day. In these dark days i thought a tongue in cheek post might give a little amusement, apparently everyone is a judgemental wanker these days. I publicly and personally apologise to Repooh and Rooster in taking things to a personal level for my own shortcomings.
I know what you mean. Some people will always come on with that holier than thou attitude and criticise, these people never exceed speed limits by even 1 mph of course.
Stinger mate....I don’t know you therefore it would be unfair of me to judge you. I don’t think people are being ‘holier than thou’ Just stating what the rules are however ambiguous they may be. It’s not about the freedom to ride your motorcycle , it’s about 50 thousand people being dead because of this virus and us having some rules to try and stop it. The lack of points on your license is mighty impressive. Mine is clear for the first time in 18 years.... ride safe mate
I try hard not to judge others. Thankfully it's not my job. It's too easy for me to forget breaking the speed limit. Or breaking some other law. I'm far from perfect.
Yes, Leicestershire Police were operating in the dark when I offended. I wasn't previously aware that this was was done, not that I drive or ride in the dark to avoid the revenue vans, I prefer to be safely in at home once dark because I can see exactly what I'm doing there!