The Motorbike Show

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Bikerman, Sep 28, 2022.

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  1. Bikerman

    Bikerman Life's not a dress rehearsal.

    Oct 29, 2014
    Well love him or hate him, but the Motorbike Show is back on ITV 4, next Wednesday at 21.00 New series
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  2. timboo

    timboo Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2021
    Not seen this before whats it cover generally speaking?
  3. Bikerman

    Bikerman Life's not a dress rehearsal.

    Oct 29, 2014
    He covers everything from touring to modifying bikes to anything to do with motorcycling.
    A few people don't like him, but I don't mind the guy, at least he's bringing motorcycling to the box. Give it a try, if you don't like the show, then at least you've tried.
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  4. timboo

    timboo Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2021
    Will do new excuse for me time away from the mrs not that i need one
    • Funny Funny x 3
  5. DavidS

    DavidS Member

    Jun 19, 2022
    East Sussex
    I’ve had a few goes at watching his stuff but never manage more than 10 minutes I’m afraid.
  6. johne

    johne Standing on the shoulders of dwarves.

    Jan 16, 2020
    Where the Wolds meet the sea
    +1 Can't stand the guy. I think he's the epitome of Marmite. You either love him or hate him.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. TonyG

    TonyG Noble Member

    Dec 1, 2016
    I'm not that keen on his screen persona, no idea what he is really like. However, my love of motorcycles overides it all anyway so I'll be watching.
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  8. Ducatitotriumph

    Ducatitotriumph Crème de la Crème

    Apr 25, 2019
    I only watch it after recording it. Way more tolerable that way as he's f'ing annoying most of the time so you can ff'wd it.
    As above, better than zilch though.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  9. Col_C

    Col_C I can't re...Member

    Aug 5, 2015
    Yeah, he's bloody annoying, but it's about the only bike program on the box so needs must.
    He's obviously not as big an idiot as his TV persona would have you believe.

    Oh, he went to school with Boris..... may be he is. :laughing:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  10. Adie P

    Adie P Crème de la Crème

    Jul 7, 2018
    10 minutes? I'd have trouble managing 10 seconds .........

    I saw an amazing contrast a few years ago when I went to an evening at Triumph's headquarters, Hinckley. Can't remember what it was -- probably a new model launch -- but he was there ....... as was Stavros PARRISH. I was early and was inadvertantly hogging the coffee machine in the reception area when SP came up behind me and said something like "Anyone else allowed to have that coffee?" with a grin and a nudge. Outside, not 30 feet away, HC appeared to be 'holding court' to his entourage - 5 or 6 luvvies including a cameraman; sound recordist; engineer ... probably a make-up artist as well? The contrast, for me, couldn't have been more stark.

    Yep, he's marmite but I've definitely been in the 'not for me, thanks' camp for quite a few years, and that was re-inforced a few years back when an acquaintance assured me that his 'one of the boys; estuary-accent bonhomie' is, fundamentally, a part of his schtick, a vox-pop skin he wears for reasons known only to himself and his closest friend/s?

    For all I know, he may very well be super talented; he is certainly not short of a bob or two and he DEFINITELY throws better parties than do I but, rest assured, unless there's a new TRIUMPH and a big paycheck coming my way from it, you won't find me there pretending to enjoy myself ............. :grinning:

    Each to their own.
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  11. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    Yep each to their own. For me there is so little tv covering biking I can put up with him and just enjoy the story lines:)
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  12. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    Yep each to their own. For me there is so little tv covering biking I can put up with him and just enjoy the story lines:)
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  13. andypandy

    andypandy Crème de la Crème

    Jan 10, 2016
    I can just about watch his programs but I do get the urge to put my foot through the telly and if I met him i'd love to smack him in the chops.
    • Funny Funny x 4
  14. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    Does anyone know if this show is on any channels in the United States? After reading the posts in this thread, I'd like to watch this guy at least once if just to see what it is about him that leads to such varied and "vocal" opinions! ;):joy:
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  15. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    I'm sure you're right, @Dawsy. That should have occurred to me. YouTube has become to video and "channels" as Amazon is to buying stuff... you can find anything!
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  16. Bikerman

    Bikerman Life's not a dress rehearsal.

    Oct 29, 2014
    Here you go Sandi.
    You choose what you want to watch first.
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  17. DavidS

    DavidS Member

    Jun 19, 2022
    East Sussex
    The first time we saw him was him riding in New Zealand.
    Hiring a Harley was probably the daftest bike for NZ roads - a supermoto or adventure bike are far more suitable and fun.
    He was threepenny-bitting around even simple corners and saying how difficult it was!! We could get a decent speed on in our rental camper and were still getting caught up by the incredibly fast logging trucks.
    Any credibility was lost in that first film (so I have made more than 10 minutes once).
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  18. TonyG

    TonyG Noble Member

    Dec 1, 2016
    I met Freddie Spencer and John McGuinness at bike events, both were extremely approachable and down to earth, I asked McGuinness to autograph my cap which I can never wear now as I have to preserve it. Only person I have ever asked for an autograph. I worked at the BBC once and used to see lots of faces in the canteen, boyhood fantasy was fulfilled in the late 80s or thereabouts when Jenny Agutter sat down opposite me for lunch.
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  19. RevPaul

    RevPaul Senior Member

    Apr 21, 2020
    Cheshire, UK
    I can see how Henry is very much marmite, but as has already been said his bike programmes are pretty much the only ones out there.

    I’m sure his shtick will annoy some, but every presenter has a “personality” and he isn’t as annoying as Clarkson. He has never claimed to be a riding God, just the opposite and he seems to me to be genuinely enthusiastic about the joys of motorcycling in all forms from vintage to modern, and all styles of bike large and small and encourages the viewer to either enjoy or re/discover motorcycling.

    Personally I’m looking forward to the show, discovering some new routes and learning a little more about our wonderful choice of transportation. Enjoy the ride.
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  20. sprintdave

    sprintdave Nurse, think it's time for his medications.

    May 25, 2014
    I think he is an annoying little posh schoolkid runt. Have seen him a few times at the National Bike Museum when they have the free weekend, which incidentally is coming in late October I think.
    I prefer to listen to Stavros Parrish or any of the other guests.
    I also fast forward the bits of his tv show to see only the bits that interest me.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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