Street Twin 2019

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Paul200, Mar 17, 2021.

  1. Paul200

    Paul200 Member

    Mar 16, 2021
    Thames Ditton
    Hi David!
  2. Dartplayer

    Dartplayer Crème de la Crème

    Aug 8, 2018
    New Zealand
    Hi Paul and welcome to the forum :cool: looking forward to seeing your new ride
  3. Paul200

    Paul200 Member

    Mar 16, 2021
    Thames Ditton
    Hi Dartplayer, thank you very much for the warm welcome. Will be posting it very soon!
  4. Jadorff

    Jadorff Noble Member

    Apr 14, 2019
    Adelaide Australia
    hi and welcoum
  5. beerkat

    beerkat Senior Member

    Aug 14, 2019
    Cheshire UK
    Hello Paul200. As you've probably already discovered there are several Street Twin owners on this forum, including me, so help and advice is here if you need it :cool:
  6. Paul200

    Paul200 Member

    Mar 16, 2021
    Thames Ditton
    Thank you Jadorff.
  7. Paul200

    Paul200 Member

    Mar 16, 2021
    Thames Ditton
    Thank you meerkat - very kind.
  8. Paul200

    Paul200 Member

    Mar 16, 2021
    Thames Ditton
    Sorry, my apologies, Beerkat.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Dave49

    Dave49 Elite Member

    Dec 30, 2019
    SW Scotland
    Hello and welcome, Paul. I too have a 2019 Street Twin. One thing worth knowing about them (and other current Bonnevilles) is that, if you drop them on the left hand side, the gearchange shaft can be pushed inwards, bending the selector forks and preventing changing gear. Fairly expensive to fix. To protect against this happening, just put a suitable spacer or several washers on the shaft between the gearlever and the engine casing. I used a black nylon spacer - looks better than washers. (No, I didn't find this out the hard way, but it's a known vulnerability, and so easy to protect against.)
  10. Paul200

    Paul200 Member

    Mar 16, 2021
    Thames Ditton
    Hi Dave, thank you very much indeed. Thats incredibly kind of you to let me know. I'll get onto it! Many thanks again. Paul
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  11. Sullivs

    Sullivs Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2020
    Weldon Spring, Missouri, USA
    Welcome Paul!

    The Street Twin is a great bike, too.
  12. Paul200

    Paul200 Member

    Mar 16, 2021
    Thames Ditton
    Hi Dave, thank you very much indeed. Thats incredibly kind of you to let me know. I'll get onto it! Many thanks again. Paul
    Thank you very much Sullivs.
  13. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    Greetings, Paul, and welcome to the forum! Hope you're enjoying it so far. We'd love to see a photo or two of your bike. :)

    TTF welcome.png
  14. beerkat

    beerkat Senior Member

    Aug 14, 2019
    Cheshire UK
    Very interesting and the first I've heard about this mod. Last year my ST went down on the left side, while I was on it, because I didn't put the side stand all the way forward and it flipped back as I leaned the bike onto it.
    Once it had gone passed the point of no recovery I made the instantaneous choice to stay on it and cushion the impact. I ended up trapped under the bike but managed to keep most of it off the ground.
    The left bar-end mirror took a blow (slightly bent) and the end can touched the ground (small scuff that only I can see). The only thing that worried me was the gear change lever, which was now slightly curved inwards. Fortunately there doesn't seem to be any damage to the gear box and gear changes are good.
    I'll probably carry out the mod you mentioned. Any chance of a pic or two to show exactly what you've done?

    On a more humorous note, I had to lay on the ground, under the bike, for several minutes. I could possibly have dragged myself out but the bike would have suffered. Eventually a chap walked past my gateway and I was able to ask for help. He lifted the bike enough for me to struggle to my feet and between us we got it upright. I expect he had a laugh later telling his mates about it :laughing:
    I also discovered the Street Twin is by far the heaviest bike I've ever owned!
  15. Dave49

    Dave49 Elite Member

    Dec 30, 2019
    SW Scotland
    #35 Dave49, Mar 23, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2021
    Hi beerkat (and Paul). Here's a photo of the spacer I fitted to my Street Twin. It just fills the space between the gearlever and the engine casing, but is still free to turn, so as not to stiffen the gearchange action. Just measure the shaft diameter and length you need, and get the approprate size nylon spacer from eBay. I couldn't find the exact length, so got a longer one and shortened it. I haven't put it to the test so far! I hope this helps.

    • Like Like x 3
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  16. Paul200

    Paul200 Member

    Mar 16, 2021
    Thames Ditton
    An experience to look back on quite affectionately, but probably a bit different at the time? Great rescue! Thanks for sharing!
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  17. Paul200

    Paul200 Member

    Mar 16, 2021
    Thames Ditton
    Thanks very much Dave. Really innovative.
  18. Paul200

    Paul200 Member

    Mar 16, 2021
    Thames Ditton
    Thanks very much Dave. Really innovative.
  19. Paul200

    Paul200 Member

    Mar 16, 2021
    Thames Ditton
    Thanks very much Dave. Really innovative.
  20. Paul200

    Paul200 Member

    Mar 16, 2021
    Thames Ditton
    Hi Beerkat, I’ve just had a look at my bike. Embarrassed to say my practical experience is limited, but I think I make up a little of that in enthusiasm! May I ask please:-
    1. Is removing the gear selector just a case of undoing the small bolt;
    2 Would you possibly be able to share the dimensions of the nylon spacer you specified when ordering on Amazon. No probs of not possible.
    Thank you very much.
    • Like Like x 1

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