Scrambler Street Scrambler Decat - How Quickly...

Discussion in 'Thruxton, Scrambler & Trident' started by Gyp, Aug 9, 2020.

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  1. Gyp

    Gyp Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2020
    United Kingdom
    Having seen a video on youtube that made me realise how much was involved in doing a decat on a Street Twin, I thought I'd time myself doing a decat on my Street Scrambler.

    This isn't because I particularly want the bike decatted, as I find it quite pleasant with the cat in place, it's more that I was bored on a Sunday afternoon.

    And the answer is 36 minutes from opening the garage door to closing it again, job complete.

    Of course what I'm realising now with the power of 20 20 hindsight, is that the sensible thing would have been to have put the cat straight back on and pretended that it was the dacet pipe, to save the 36 minutes swapping them back again next time I'm bored...
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  2. skmark

    skmark Member

    Sep 24, 2019
    St Albans
    Next time you're bored, why don't you take of the decat and sell it to me at a knock down price over on that 'other forum' :joy::joy::joy:
  3. Gyp

    Gyp Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2020
    United Kingdom
    I'll happily take an LV in Part Ex
  4. Repooh

    Repooh Rarely Satisfied

    Jan 5, 2018
    Stabby Town
    #4 Repooh, Aug 19, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2020
    de catting the high piped bikes is simples, my Scrambler 1200 took half an hour, even with Triumphs passion for no two fixings are the same type, bloody, hex's, torx's bolts screws all different, anyhow. Low exhausts different kettle of anchovies, took like three hours on my Street Twin, mind you on the Street Twin my nuts are not gently baked on each ride.
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  5. SurlyKenny

    SurlyKenny New Member

    Nov 12, 2020
    I did mine two weeks ago. 2020 Street Scrambler.
    I was hoping to only have to cut one end off and remove the cat but that was not the case. The factory welds got into the cat at both weld locations and needed to be cut from both to remove. Took a good bit of effort to remove. About 20 minutes of prying and banging. After grinding the joints parallel, I TIG'd them back together. Total time was about an hour and half including dis/reassembly. Definitely sounds throaty compared to before. Not sure on the heat generated at the cat location or power improvement yet.
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