I wrote I would find some pics of a Triumph chopper I built in 05. It started as an 04 Thruxton, hurricane damaged. Thought it was a good idea to bring it back to life. Great bike, reliable and comfortable.
From my youth, it is the chopped Triumphs I remember the most. Out at night, on the L.A. streets. Loud, low, light weight. More like bobbers, or drag bikes. In the early days there were not as many H-D choppers. Not until the Viet Nam War era. At least not where I grew up. ...J.D.
Wire Wheels, my memories are similar. H-Ds were heavy and expensive and Trumpets were light, nimble and way cheaper. I built a 68 Tiger chop with a girder that weighed 330 lbs. That bike is still one of my favorites of all time. My first date with my wife some forty odd years ago was on that chopper.
I really like that black one ! Never been one for sissy bars though. I want to be able to "git rid of it" if things go wrong. . ...J.D.
I usually make my own sissy bars to give a tie down point for bedroll, tent, etc. I rode that bike from Charlotte NC to Arizona and back. I travel light, but choppers don't leave much room for luggage. Of my hundred plus choppers, all but a few were built to ride distances and most had sissy bars. The black Triumph had a set of brass knuckles welded in the bar.
All, been a bad year with old injuries coming back to haunt me; replacement joints, etc. Chopper has been up and running for a while now, added a chain tensioner to cut out the chain slap. Hope you all are doing well and a good New Year.
Burns on the right leg, eh ?? Full credits for still running rigid's, with a well and good New Year to you too, sir !
Unless it happens to be lying on top of yer ! Your line about old injuries took me back to being trapped under a Sporty by the 2 into 1.