Speed Twin Cutting Out, Additional.

Discussion in 'Triumph Insurance GB' started by Ian Hesketh, Jun 8, 2023.

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  1. Ian Hesketh

    Ian Hesketh New Member

    Oct 3, 2018
    Hi everyone, I’m new to all this and this is my first post. I’m in need of a bit of help. I’ve owned a 2019 speed twin for four months and it has cut it on me in traffic three times. It has covered only 1800 miles. Today I covered around 80 miles and weather was dry and the bike was running well until I pulled in the clutch lever whilst filtering through a jam and boom, it cut out. I have had it back to the garage I purchased it from but by then all is good so they didn’t do anything but generally check it out. It’s had a new battery but now I’m baffled. Has anyone else had similar issues or has anyone got any advice. I have ordered a small self diagnosis unit assist me. Many thanks. Ian.
    Also when I hit the start button, it starts immediately. All lights on the clocks are as when the ignition is turned on.
  2. Biggus

    Biggus New Member

    Jun 5, 2022

    My SpeedMaster does the same. It was new last year and has just completed 600 miles so it’s going in soon for its first service. I suspect it’s the fuelling running very weak to get through emissions means that when the engine is hot and you come off idle to some throttle there might not be enough fuel to air mix to keep the engine running so it stalls. I’m hoping Triumph have an answer otherwise I’ll have to think of a remap as the times it has stalled has been in very dangerous circumstances.
  3. manxmouse

    manxmouse Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2020
    I had this happen to me on my 2019 Speed Twin a few times now, clutch into change down to a junction or roundabout. Bike just cuts out. Restarts straight away but can fluster you when you are in traffic! I would say at least once on every ride this catches me out.
  4. andyc1

    andyc1 Lunarville 7, Airlock 3

    Feb 4, 2017
    N. Ireland
    I've had a couple of different triumphs do this over the last lot of years. You'd have though they would have sorted the issue by now :worried:
  5. manxmouse

    manxmouse Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2020

    Recently had the bike serviced and was told the throttle bodies were out of cal/sync. Will see if this has fixed it.

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