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Discussion in 'Triumph General Discussion' started by Hubaxe, Nov 12, 2020.

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  1. andyc1

    andyc1 Lunarville 7, Airlock 3

    Feb 4, 2017
    N. Ireland
    • Like Like x 2
  2. Hubaxe

    Hubaxe Good moaning! aka Mr Wordsalad :)

    Mar 25, 2020
    Aix Les bains - French Alps
    Cool pictures, thanks for sharing @andyc1
    If I go for one of these, will definitively be a turret board type.
    Ideally a kind of Orange Tiny terror hardwired. I love the orange mid-scope sound
    I admit being a bit afraid about the safety.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Hubaxe

    Hubaxe Good moaning! aka Mr Wordsalad :)

    Mar 25, 2020
    Aix Les bains - French Alps
    Cool pictures, thanks for sharing @andyc1
    If I go for one of these, will definitively be a turret board type.
    Ideally a kind of Orange Tiny terror hardwired. I love the orange mid-scope sound
    I admit being a bit afraid about the safety.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. DCS222

    DCS222 Guest

    What could possibly go wrong...

    • Funny Funny x 2
  5. Hubaxe

    Hubaxe Good moaning! aka Mr Wordsalad :)

    Mar 25, 2020
    Aix Les bains - French Alps
    I've been shocked once while playing an outdoor gig. In an excess of enthusiasm I jumped from the stage on the grass floor and I've been shocked through the jack cable and strings :p
    The tech told about a mass loop from the ground.
    Nothing lethal, just like I've put 2 or 3 9V battery on my tongue :grinning:
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  6. andyc1

    andyc1 Lunarville 7, Airlock 3

    Feb 4, 2017
    N. Ireland
    It looks scary but its really not that bad, if I could manage it with minimal knowledge! The marshall was the first one I done and it was very enjoyable and rewarding. The instructions are very good, you can download them from the website to get an idea and the video above.

    Big orange fan myself... love the tone. Have owned a tiny terror, or50, ad30 and rocker 30.
    Currently own a rockerverb 50 mk2 and a hard wired tiny terror :)
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Hubaxe

    Hubaxe Good moaning! aka Mr Wordsalad :)

    Mar 25, 2020
    Aix Les bains - French Alps
    Impressive stable!! :cool:
    Tried all sorts of amps, and finally found my path with a chinese made TH100. Why? Because it's the only head I found capable of crystal clear clean sound, and high gain fury. I preferred that one to the more expensive OR.
    But the overall built quality is far better on the OR serie than the TH..
    When the Dual Dark 100 went out, I tried it and the TH100 still had this extra clean.

    For studio use, I plug the amp through a RF/EM filter to reduce hum. Also had to carefully select quiet preamp valve/tube.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. andyc1

    andyc1 Lunarville 7, Airlock 3

    Feb 4, 2017
    N. Ireland
    I've bought and sold a lot of amps. Thats one of the things I love about them, you rarely loose any money on them. Didnt keep the or50 very long, just never bonded with it for some reason. The rockerverb is probably my favourite, I like that it does low gain crunch equally as good as the hi gain face melting stuff :p never tried the thunder series but always fancied one. They're meant to be really good at drop tuned stuff?
  9. Hubaxe

    Hubaxe Good moaning! aka Mr Wordsalad :)

    Mar 25, 2020
    Aix Les bains - French Alps
    They are. In a soundgarden tribute project, I play drop D. and through a good 4X12 the bass response is tight and powerful. I also play A 7 string with a B string, and it's very good.
    The limits often comes more from the speakers that the head.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. DCS222

    DCS222 Guest

    #130 DCS222, Dec 9, 2020
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 9, 2020
    I’ve enjoyed a couple of the dual terrors (30w) which I loved, but they never seemed to fit in the band sound
    • Like Like x 2
  11. JtC

    JtC Elite Member

    Apr 20, 2020
    New Mexico
    Stevie T watcher?
    • Funny Funny x 2
  12. DCS222

    DCS222 Guest

    I can stand 5 mins every week
    At a push
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. DCS222

    DCS222 Guest

    So, do any of you have home recording studios? How did you go about setting it up... what did you prioritise?
  14. Hubaxe

    Hubaxe Good moaning! aka Mr Wordsalad :)

    Mar 25, 2020
    Aix Les bains - French Alps
    What do you want to record? A 4 pieces band for example?
    If you want to record drums, then you'll need A input minimum into the audio interface.
    Then some decent set of mics, 1 large diaphragm. for voices and amps, a set of hypercardiod for acoustic guitars/overhead.
    I personally don't like to use SM57 or 58 for recordings, but a SM57 can be used on amps.
    That is the minimum. Then if you want to go further, consider some mic preamps, but some very good results can be achieved without, so far you know how your mic react.

    A set of monitors, and some decent and comfortable headset . Nowadays to need to break the bank to achieve nice home studio recordings.
    I'm thinking about mics around 100£ and 40£ headsets.

    I'm a bit overflyng, if you have specific question I can try to help.
  15. DCS222

    DCS222 Guest

    I’ve “a dude” that helps when we’re recording with the band (we’re only a pub covers band, so just playing at it) so I’m more about home recording (a box room set up). I’ve got a decent computer now... I think I’ll use Cakewalk because it’s a fully functioning and free DAW... I have a Zoom HD16 which I can use as a stand alone unit (and it might work as interface) and I have an I-rig as a basic input device... my mics are only gig worthy sm58’s... I don’t need a quiet booth because my amp has the H&K “red box” di output which will do for now... and I think my keyboard will work as a MIDI controller.

    So I’m thinking a quality, large diaphragm condenser mic to start with... then probably some sound deadening tiles (after seeing how loud the room is on the recording) or a better input device

    So I was wondering if you’ve set your own up, how did your prioritise what gear you got?
  16. Hubaxe

    Hubaxe Good moaning! aka Mr Wordsalad :)

    Mar 25, 2020
    Aix Les bains - French Alps
    I started buying mics. The first one was an AKG C3000B. Good for almost everything (vocals , amp) , Then a set of hypercardioid for acoustic guitars or other acoustic instrument. A good allrounder mic is the place to start with.

    Then I will in a second time go for a better audio interface. I have several (MOTU, FOCUSRITE, STEINBERG/YAMAHA). My son uses the home studio a lot for his projects and music school, and he prefers the Focusrite Scarlett (8 input) because of the easy display gain control and ease of use.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  17. LouHela

    LouHela Member

    Oct 8, 2020
    Vantaa, Finland
    I still use an RME MkI Multiface which is getting on for about 20 years old. It's a fine piece of kit. I recently got a Behringer USB interface that I use with a laptop if I'm away and bored. It's astonishingly good, never mind the price:
    There's a 4-channel version and now an 18-channel version.

    I have a condesor mic somewhere in its case, but I just use my ancient indestructible SM57 for everything that needs miking.
    For any guitar work, it's hard to beat Mike Scuffham's S-Gear. SHIT! He's selling the full version for 99USD!! Get on it!
    • Like Like x 2
  18. Captain Klang

    Captain Klang Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2019
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  19. Hubaxe

    Hubaxe Good moaning! aka Mr Wordsalad :)

    Mar 25, 2020
    Aix Les bains - French Alps
  20. Captain Klang

    Captain Klang Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2019
    Yeah that’s be me! We were a daft bunch of sids lol
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