765 Renthal Sprockets?

Discussion in 'Street Triple' started by Barefeets, Mar 1, 2020.

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  1. Barefeets

    Barefeets Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2020
    Good evening.
    So I picked up my 765 street last week and the first thing I do on any bike is throw the standard sprocket away and fit a nice Renthal one instead.
    However... finding aftermarket parts for the 765 is proving difficult. So far I've found renthal sprockets in every size except for the standard. I've tried all my usual avenues but nobody seems to list one :weary_face:
    Does anybody know of anywhere who is selling them?
    Oh, and also stomp grips or an alternative make that will fit nicely. I don't want universal ones that I have to cut myself.... that's just asking for a mess to happen :rolleyes:

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