Had a close look at my radiator today and noticed the lower central portion to be badly blocked with road crud. I tried poking it out with a piece of fine wire but that takes ages. Difficult to get a pressure washer in from behind so it looks like the only real way would be to remove the rad first. I have fitted a mudguard extender but l'm not sure it does much. The bike is ridden in all weather's so it looks like it could be a recurring problem. Anybody got any brilliant ideas for easy cleaning?
I looked at a "fender"extender, and came to the conclusion that it would make little difference because the through comes off the tyre lower than even the extender reaches.I would think that the extender would have to come down to below 8 o clock. Would a normal hose be more easily accessible, then a long bristled brush?
Think you're right, it's like compacted talcum powder, gets there with the water which dries out leaving the hard dust in the matrix. I'll try softening wit water and then try to jet it out with a hose. The oil cooler is in an even worse position, so l made a guard to protect it from stones etc.
Let the water soak in and soften the crud, then use a toothbrush or similar it not too firm a bristle
VERY soapy water from a spray bottle and give it a couple of applications 15 mins apart then hose it down.....repeat as necessary. It should not need violence!
Thanks to you and red, I'll give it a go. Got to be a better option than draining and removing the rad.
I would be carful using a pressure washer on the rad, you could easily bend the fins, which will affect air flow and reduce cooling.
Well finally got round to sorting it; l worked soapy water into the matrix using a soft brush, let it soak to soften up the dirt an then hosed it out with the garden hose set on a fine jet. The amount of crap that came out was surprising. Finished off blowing it over with a air line. I can now see right through the rad using a strong light. I would say this is essential maintenance fo bikes used year round. Bring on the (hopefully) hot summer now!