One For The Tyre Whisperers

Discussion in 'Tyres' started by Dustywheels, Jan 2, 2024.

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  1. Dustywheels

    Dustywheels Well-Known Member

    Going by what I've read and learnt from Dave Moses tutorials, I'd say I need to reduce rebound, a lot.
    (Tiger Sport, Road 6, 10k klm)

    • WTF WTF x 1
  2. nickjaxe

    nickjaxe Active Member

    Sep 2, 2020
    Cheshire UK
    The rough that localized?
  3. Dustywheels

    Dustywheels Well-Known Member

    no, all the way around both sides of the tyre. Its been suggested I like to power out of corners a little too much.

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