Oem Heated Grips - Reliability Enhancement Mod

Discussion in 'Thunderbird' started by Futterman, Apr 30, 2019.

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  1. Futterman

    Futterman Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2019
    Kentucky, USA
    Now it has OEM heated grips! :cool:



    I'd found some discussion on Thunderbird forums about one of the throttle cable retaining tangs (on the throttle tube) being prone to breaking off of the OEM heated grips. Turns out that in some installations there's an interference with the throttle cable housing that can eventually cause this failure to occur. When it happens, throttle control is lost.

    The proposed fix is to relieve the interference area inside the throttle cable housing. I had to remove a lot of material since in my application there was a lot of contact and it actually occurred on both sides of the plastic throttle cable anchor. Another measure I took was to build a small fillet of JB-Weld "epoxy steel" on the breakage-prone tang just to relieve that corner as a stress point and give it a little bit of extra strength.

    Location of contact / mechanical interference:

    Witness mark on failure-prone side of throttle cable anchor where sharp edge of switch housing was gouging the leading edge and putting undue stress on the piece.

    Sharp edge ground away inside cable housing.

    JB-Weld epoxy fillet.

    Another view of JB-Weld filltet and view of witness marks on other side of cable anchor.
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