More bloody breakdowns... Dash problem

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Vladthetodge, Apr 7, 2017.

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  1. Vladthetodge

    Vladthetodge Member

    Apr 27, 2016
    Hey all... Well after the crap with the d600 last month. I've ridden daily since 14th. Got home tonight, turned ignition off. Then back on to pos1 to see the gate lock, got back on and then dash flickered and all leds dissapear. Headlights still work,but no display at all.
    Checked fuses under seat..all good. Stator is new and rectifier was checked and voltage @14 when engine fitted.
    Have fitted new exhaust and new led indicators two weeks ago. Indicators last ones pretty much.
    Anyone have a clue before I start stripping and blindly prodding stuff?
    Cheers all
  2. MickEng

    MickEng Noble Member

    Sep 29, 2016
    West Yorkshire
    Vlad, this is a long shot but are your gates remote control ? Could some signal for it be affecting your bike electronics ?
  3. Vladthetodge

    Vladthetodge Member

    Apr 27, 2016
    Yeah. I'm going to go through as much as poss Sunday, battery checks etc. No gates or neighbouring electronicy gadgets nearby to affect anything. I'm assuming it's an electric fault. As, if not mentioned, as I got on bike dash flickered just before it went off. Fingers crossed it's an easy fix. This time....
  4. Vladthetodge

    Vladthetodge Member

    Apr 27, 2016
    I did lol! Kill switch off. As I've thought about this I'm wondering if it's the relay in front of battery. The middle one. Think that does fuel pump and dash. Not too ophay with multi meters but after checking the earth to engine block and batt connections I'll follow the wires for any burnt areas or pinching. Check the plug blocks and then start on checking relays etc. Also side stand and kill switch. Not sure how to bypass kill switch yet. Google may help day of watching motorcycle racing is now a day of fault finding. Bugger.
  5. Vladthetodge

    Vladthetodge Member

    Apr 27, 2016
    Turns out it's the ignition barrel. Ordered new one. Just got the fun of getting the security bolts out of old one now!
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  6. MickEng

    MickEng Noble Member

    Sep 29, 2016
    West Yorkshire
    Glad you've detected the problem Vlad.
    Bit of accurate drilling with a carbide drill (not a masonry drill they are not sharp enough)
    Failing that use a Dremel with a small 'burr' , rotary file or grinding point, anything you can remove the bolts with.
    Patience is the key, good luck mate.
  7. TheHungryBadger

    TheHungryBadger New Member

    Sep 16, 2016
    Just curious, how did you concluded that it was the ignition barrel that was the problem? - got a similar sort of issue on my scrambler.

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