Insurance Discount For Security

Discussion in 'Triumph General Discussion' started by Sprinter1050uk, Dec 17, 2020.

  1. Sprinter1050uk

    May 4, 2017
    Mansfield, Notts
    Looking to treat myself to a new lock and chain as I managed to loose the key to my Abus shackle lock when my key fob became detached from my bike. As I have had it over 20 years I have no idea where the spare is so that is one good lock going to waste.
    Looking at a variety of chains and locks as not a fan of disc locks ( seen too many dropped bikes?
    I am sure you appreciate that there is a variety of prices and " approved types" so I priced a few Oxford ones up and contacted Carole Nash to see if they qualified for a discount. The member of staff working from home said there wasn't anything on their system that took into account specific locks only alarms and said any lock would be alright for a discount. That struck me as a bit odd as I had been asked about my lock type when renewing. I challenged her and she contacted someone else who said they used to ask but now they don't need to know. Being the doubtful chap that I am I went on their site and it just asks if there is any form of security - y/n. Checked with Bennetts and did a couple of spoof quotes with different locks and got the same price.
    Apart from peace of mind why should I spend over £150 on a lock when I can get a " gold secure" for £50 or a " silver secure" for £30.
    I appreciate that they are all infallable some some deterent is better than just a steering lock. I have also fitted a £10 wireless motion sensor under the seat in case anyone doesn't see the chain.
    Looking at Oxford HD chain and lock or the Boss chain and lock, very good prices at , virtually half the price of my local dealer who is over 20 miles away ant thoughts on which one to go for? I appreciate the Boss is heavy but is it too heavy to take touring?
  2. Rocker

    Rocker Elite Member

    May 1, 2016
    Having security on your bike won't make the premium less it'll just give them a reason to not pay out if you forget to fit it and make a claim
    • Agree Agree x 9
  3. Notso

    Notso Senior Member

    Dec 17, 2018
    #3 Notso, Dec 17, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2020
    I often wonder if a cheap light cable lock and a cheap alarmed disk lock achieve about as much as any option. If you have the kit and desire to bust cheap ones then surely you have the kit and desire to bust expensive ones.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. tcbandituk


    Apr 8, 2016
    I never declare locks or alarms on my bikes other than the factory fitted ones.
    As said by @Rocker , it barely reduces your premium, if at all, and just gives them another way out of paying if the bikes stolen.
    I do use them, just don't declare them.
    • Agree Agree x 5
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  5. Red Thunder

    Red Thunder Crème de la Crème

    Dec 2, 2014
    High Wycombe
    I have an Oxford Monster chain and Oxford alarmed disc lock on my garaged Speed Triple, for insurance I declare I don't have any security. As @Rocker says The premium doesn't go down with these locks declared, it just gives insurers a reason not to pay out if they think the bike wasn't locked if say you do have locks
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  6. Yorkshireman

    Yorkshireman Crème de la Crème

    Dec 12, 2015
    You seem to know a lot about stealing bikes Ade!:p
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  7. Iceman

    Iceman Crème de la Crème

    Apr 19, 2020
    I think littleade is absolutely spot on with what he says, it's really the only way to go to limit the chance of theft. The advice is all about minimising the theft of your motorcycle
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  8. Helmut Visor

    Helmut Visor Only dead fish go with the flow

    Oct 3, 2018
    Three Counties
    Having just taken out a multi bike policy on Saturday to include Mrs HV's Street Triple I tried to update the insurance company on a couple of security items on the bike that I was unaware of when I took the policy out.
    Rang them and explained this and told them it had a Triumph factory fitted immobiliser and Datatag fitted. They said that for them to include these it would cost me £17 broker admin fee.....the saving on the policy £4.09 : unamused:
    Needless to say I said they are now informed and I would look to amend the details when I renew the policy (which will be never because as soon as she is licenced she will insure it herself). :triumph:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Arf765

    Arf765 Member

    Feb 3, 2023
    Berkshire, uk
    Hi all, Just scrolling through some of these comments regarding Insurance as I’ve just sorted out my Insurance for next Saturday collection of my new Street Triple-R. Had the strangest of chats with a lovely lady at the insurance company where my yearly premium was going to be £510.00 (bare in mind this is a fresh start after coming back to bikes with a 30 year gap) all ways wondered what a mid life crisis was, who new:) anyway after going through several different options and comparing different options etc I asked the lady how/why is there big difference’s from one month to another in price, she said herself it was all based on algorithm’s or something as it can change each day and month, so after getting cut off a couple of times and about 1 hr later and rebooting her computer she started to laugh and said the like for like cost we have spoke about has just dropped to £370.00 for the premium cover including everything, I said don’t touch a thing I’ll have it, I was well chuffed…
    • Like Like x 3
  10. Mrs Visor

    Mrs Visor Elite Member

    Aug 21, 2021
    It really is crazy. My first year on my Street Triple R was just over £200 fully comp with loads of quotes for between £200 and £400 with reputable companies. Come renewal time some companies declined to offer a quote and others were extortionate - in the region of £4000 some of them :eek:. My renewal was almost double what my first year was in the end - all that had changed was an extra year's claim - free riding and my job title was very slightly adjusted, but in reality I had just moved desks o_O. Last month I added a 2004 Fireblade to the policy and that was far cheaper to insure than the Street Triple. Last year when I was going through the renewal process and asked why things had changed so much the most common answer I was given was "the type of bike it is" and mutterings about a £6000 value threshold for cheaper insurance for less experienced riders. No one could answer why the previous year this hadn't seemed to be a factor...
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  11. Arf765

    Arf765 Member

    Feb 3, 2023
    Berkshire, uk
    #11 Arf765, Mar 4, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2023
    Insurance cover across the board is corrupt only word for it, I had some companies quote £1,400.00 it’s a joke.
    They use the “it’s your postcode, it’s your age, it’s your bike, it’s this, it’s that…
    All the bosses on the inner circle all agree each year how they are gunna rip us off, it does my nut in :(
  12. Arf765

    Arf765 Member

    Feb 3, 2023
    Berkshire, uk
    Insurance cover across the board is corrupt only word for it, I had some companies quote £1,400.00 it’s a joke.
    They use the “it’s your postcode, it’s your age, it’s your bike, it’s this, it’s that…
    All the bosses on the inner circle all agree each year how they are gunna rip us off it does my nut in :(
  13. Iceman

    Iceman Crème de la Crème

    Apr 19, 2020
    I renewed the policy on my 765rs yesterday, it was £80 fully comp with protected no claims, and also my 2 sons on the policy to ride it fully comp, my insurance allows me to ride any other motorcycle fully comp, you don't get that with every policy, the same for my car that covers me fully comp to drive any other car, be it a mini or performance car, ironically both policies don't stipulate any mods carried out for both bike or car, the only exclusion is trading vehicles or bikes as a business, it is handy when test riding a private sale of any car or motorcycle. The only stipulation is that I keep the bike/bikes in my locked garage overnight, the policy says dusk to dawn, the car/cars only have to be on my driveway. A secure chain and lock makes no difference to my policy at all, and through the day when out riding I am always in sight of my machine, or if I need the loo I just put the steering lock on (although that can be snapped in a matter of seconds. I am however of the firm belief that anything that slows down a theft has got to make sense, we pay hard earned money for our pride and joy and criminals seize every opportunity to take peoples possessions, rather than do a decent days work. Over the years I have written far to many Court Reports on thefts amongst other things, it was very rare that defendants showed any genuine remorse in interview. Anyone breaking into my garage would seriously regret it, without detailing my security, it is legal and would not render me liable to any form of civil action for compensation by a person with criminal intent. Ride safe all from an ageing Rocker
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  14. Arf765

    Arf765 Member

    Feb 3, 2023
    Berkshire, uk
    sounds to me you’ve got a good insurance cover there, I take it you’ve built up a good number of years no claim’s etc I’m allowed to ride other bikes but only under 3rd party cover, I went with Hastings in the end who are you with ?
  15. Iceman

    Iceman Crème de la Crème

    Apr 19, 2020
    I passed my test in 1967, however NCD doesn't go back that far, I have IAM qualifications for the advanced test for bike and car and have a re test every 3 years keeps your skill set up.
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  16. Arf765

    Arf765 Member

    Feb 3, 2023
    Berkshire, uk
    Got ya, the extra qualifications etc make a big difference along with maximum no claims, I’d guess 9 years or so all help. Back in the old days your No claims from car to bike & vice Versa could be used to help with cost but no more, I wonder why ??? I’ve got full no claims on car but starting again with the bike :( so got too build up again, in all my years I’ve never paid any car or bike insurance (full comp) under £200 and I was born in 67 I’m a wee puppy :) all the best
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  17. Eldon

    Eldon Elite Member

    Nov 14, 2018
    North Yorkshire
    #17 Eldon, Mar 4, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2023
    @Arf765 I'm the same age as you and I pay £470 fully comp for x4 bikes including x2 68 plates.
    The whole NCD issue is a con when transferring from car to bike etc. Also if you have a gap from one bike ownership to another they expire after a certain time (3 yrs maybe???).
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