Engine management light?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by RoadSprocket, Nov 12, 2016.

  1. RoadSprocket

    RoadSprocket Active Member

    May 24, 2016
    United Kingdom
    So I've been away for a week and didn't use the bike much the week before this either. I went to use the bike Friday and had a delay starting the bike and then rode 7-8 miles and then later that day it started fine and I rode 7-8 miles home.

    Today (Saturday) when I started the bike the engine management light came on, bare in mind it started fine. I rode 7-8 miles with the light on and the bike felt normal with no issues or noises. I've then gone to it tonight (8 hours later) and the lights still on, rode a couple of miles and again no issues.

    I'm convinced it's a low battery that's triggered the light as it had no issue before I put it away last week but did have the alarm left on, but after riding 10 odd miles since it's started and it's not hesitating to turn over today could it be something else? What could cause this light to come on? How can I get rid of it? Is it still the battery, despite the battery being only 6-7 months old?
  2. Andy_S

    Andy_S Active Member

    Jul 19, 2016
    Kingston upon Hull
    I seem to remember reading that if fault free it takes 3 cycles of being run up to temp for the lamp to go out. So 1 more run may sort it. The next person may be able to give you a definite answer.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. RoadSprocket

    RoadSprocket Active Member

    May 24, 2016
    United Kingdom
    Sweet I've got a 9 mile journey home tonight so fingers crossed. Would the battery of triggered the light mind? As I'm just assuming here lol
  4. thebiglad

    thebiglad Old fart, still riding !

    Sep 25, 2013
    Central France
    Hi RS, you don't say what bike it is so this can only be a general answer:

    1. A low battery wouldn't normally the EML;

    2. As Andy said occasional EML fault will go out again after three cycles of the engine cold/hot; cold/hot; Cold/hot.

    If it doesn't, then further diagnosis will be required. Download TuneECU if you don't already have it.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. RoadSprocket

    RoadSprocket Active Member

    May 24, 2016
    United Kingdom
    05' Speed triple 1050 sorry I tend to leave out the good bits, when you mentioned the cold/hot are we talking no temperature bar on clocks or 1/2? As I've done it from no reading to 3-4 bar twice already, don't want to mess the third go up and have to start this process again.

    P.s. What's tuneECU?
  6. thebiglad

    thebiglad Old fart, still riding !

    Sep 25, 2013
    Central France
    The engine cycles I referred are: start the engine, ride the bike until it is fully warmed up, then let it FULLY cool down - then do it all again twice more.

    TuneECU is a free to download and use program (search Google) for connecting to your bikes ECU to do diagnosis and re-mapping.
  7. RoadSprocket

    RoadSprocket Active Member

    May 24, 2016
    United Kingdom
    No luck it didn't clear, but I stopped off at the top of my road and turned the ignition on and off several times and it's cleared the EML off. Stay tuned, as I'm using it again tomorrow so hopefully it doesn't return..
  8. capt

    capt Elite Member

    May 8, 2016
    western Australia
    The eml is usually nothing much to worry about! It's usually reporting a faulty sensor ! If the oil waring light comes on with the MIL. then stop right away and sort it out, this one is really a possible engine killer ! Tuneecu will tell you which sensor played up or has died, and voltage problems can make sensors go out of range and report an error code/fault. Happens more on the Triumphs with more electronic wizardry on board !!
  9. RoadSprocket

    RoadSprocket Active Member

    May 24, 2016
    United Kingdom
    8 miles later and no EML, so if anybody is reading in days to come and you have the same/similiar issue just turn your ignition on & off until the light clears!
    • Like Like x 1
  10. DreadySteve

    DreadySteve Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2016
    I had this before replacing my battery (EML came on) except to heat cycle on my gal was to start the bike without touching anything, let it warm up until the fan kicks in, switch off, cool down for a while and the repeat another two times. ELM reset followed rather sharply by a new battery. Since all has been good :)

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