Dead Battery In The Xe, In Bfe

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by scottcolbath, Dec 11, 2023.

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  1. scottcolbath

    scottcolbath New Member

    Nov 25, 2023
    Phoenix, Az.
    Rode 110 miles from Phoenix, to Winkleman, Az. First real ride on the XE. Had lunch with a friend who came up from Tucson to meet me. Went out an hour later and the bike's instrument cluster lit up. I hit the button and got a weak crank or two, then nothing. Completely dead.

    Left the bike overnight and got a ride home from the girlfriend, who came all the way out to get me, since there's nothing near Winkleman, Az on a Sunday that could have helped get the bike going.

    Picked it up this morning. Just got home. Checked the battery voltage across the posts, just while it sat in the bed of my truck. 3.5 volts.

    Cycle Gear has some lithium replacement I'll be grabbing later today, unless there's some reason not to use one. It's a DuraBoost.


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