British Petrol Is Changing

Discussion in 'Triumph General Discussion' started by David Cooper, Jun 20, 2021.

  1. David Cooper

    David Cooper Triumph Rocketeer.

    The DVLA has announced that standard UK unleaded fuel will contain 10% bioethanol from this summer, up from the previous 5%.
    It means owners of older cars and bikes (a reported 5% of vehicles made before 2011) will now need to fill up on the more expensive super unleaded if they want to avoid the extra ethanol content of standard fuel.
    You can check your vehicle here

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  2. Kinjane

    Kinjane Active Member

    Oct 15, 2017
    Bristol, Land of Enger
    Really looking forward to having a smaller tank range!
    Fortunately my Speed Twin is mapped to run on E25, which will probably be forced on us from next Easter.
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  3. Erling

    Erling Elite Member

    Dec 12, 2017
    That's good, at least it will run properly. Just don't try to store the bike without draining the tank and fuel system first. I found out the hard way.
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  4. Tallpaul

    Tallpaul Noble Member

    Apr 7, 2019
    The bastard Greens are killing our old bikes. I'm going to melt their flip flops and piss in their carrot juice.
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  5. andypandy

    andypandy Crème de la Crème

    Jan 10, 2016
    It seems my 1971 CB250 might run badly in cold weather. So that means i'll have to move to Southern Spain to use it. Aint life a bitch eh ?
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  6. SuperHans

    SuperHans Senior Member

    Mar 11, 2020
    I always use super unleaded anyway so its not really a biggie.
    I would like to think that most that run their bikes prob don't care to much about fuel consumption, they ride cuz its fun.
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  7. joe mc donald


    Dec 26, 2014
    slough / burnham
    Same here super for me and try to stay to the ESSO garages.
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  8. SuperHans

    SuperHans Senior Member

    Mar 11, 2020
    I don't understand how it would run bad when its cold, I remember my dad (back in the days) putting ethanol in the tank during the winter as an "antifreeze" to prevent freezing and for the carburettors working properly.

    But, saying that, back then it was enough if a neighbour that had accumulated some sort of respect drinking 5 pints within 10 minutes told everyone that "he did that" and therefore it was the ultimate solution.
    Internet kinda killed off those types.
  9. Iron

    Iron Guest

    Them olde Drag bikes used Ethanol which also aided cool running. It'll be fine, unless you have ye olde rubber hoses or glass fibre tanks and be sure that you drain all the fuel (including the bowls) when tucking up for the winter. Run em rich, run em fast, keep em cool. That's what I (just made up) say nearly all the time. :no_mouth:
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  10. andypandy

    andypandy Crème de la Crème

    Jan 10, 2016
    I don't understand it either but the UK government says it might run badly.
    As we all know, the government is always right.:eek::)
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  11. Tigcraft

    Tigcraft Unheard of Member

    Mar 29, 2014
    Holmfirth West Yorkshire
    Wouldn’t worry about it andy. Yours will be ready when electric powered vehicles are long gone ! Hehehe
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  12. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    I guess it is going to get much harder to run bikes new or old over the coming years, we need to enjoy while we can and feck the green feckers.
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  13. SuperHans

    SuperHans Senior Member

    Mar 11, 2020
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  14. andypandy

    andypandy Crème de la Crème

    Jan 10, 2016
    Not read through your link to the Guardian report because they tend to write shit. They say 130,000 elephants are in danger yet in other reports they probably say there are only 1,000 elephants left in the whole of Africa !
    Also, that picture of a dead elephant is more than likely one that's died of old age. I do not read newspapers, they all have their own agenda and are a bunch of lying twots.
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  15. SuperHans

    SuperHans Senior Member

    Mar 11, 2020
    Oh, where do you find your information such as the one posted (that can be read in pretty much all the newspapers around the world)?

    There seem to be around 415000 elephants in africa according to Not sure they are on you lying twots list tho, but including the link below.
  16. andypandy

    andypandy Crème de la Crème

    Jan 10, 2016
    Beano's all I need.:p:)
    • Funny Funny x 3
  17. Daytona1200Express

    Daytona1200Express Active Member

    Feb 7, 2021
    NH, USA
    You can still store fuel in your motorcycle, you just need to put fuel stabilizer in your gas tank when it is 1/2 full, run the bike for about 1 hour, then, top off again up to the filler cap so very low air is in the tank to build condensation, then you can store the bike.

    I do this on all my machines, including my MG Midget.

    All start up first try in the Spring. I use Sta-Bil and Star-Tron fuel stabilizer. Have been for years.

    Yes, I hate ethanol. Yes, they are coming for our classic motors, cars and bike alike. Best to do all we can to keep these works of art motoring along for the next generation!
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  18. Stephen Martin

    Stephen Martin Senior Member

    Aug 31, 2020
    Isle of Wight
    Thumbs up for star tron been using throughout lockdown and also have had no issues with starting. My tzr I never turn off the petrol to keep the float bowl full recently removed the carb and no gumming at all.
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  19. stinger

    stinger Senior Member

    Nov 28, 2017
    Just be aware of this, I was going to post this day before yesterday but didnt get around to it. The Government E10 compatibility checker is useless. Firstly there is no differentiation between cars and bikes, its just manufacturers.
    I thought I would check as I already know the tank on my Sprint is fecked by E5, i grabbed a screenie of the E10 checker for Triumph, my Sprint is 2005 so the information is clearly bollox....

    E10 Checker.jpg
  20. Petrol

    Petrol Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2016
    North Wilts.
    Ah yes green they say . Biggest con ever. Its so nasty that they only mix it with the petrol when they deliver to the station . Oil companies love it because it bulks out the fuel as it absorbes water . Huge tracks of land growing crops to make it instead of food .
    Never store anything with it in as if It gets phaze seperation. Water drops out to the bottom of your tank and using the oxygen in the water it rots through from the inside . Its also less efficient than petrol and gives less mpg .
    As for additives I saw this .
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