Best tours round Ireland

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Pepe5, Feb 4, 2016.

  1. lucas60

    lucas60 Active Member

    Dec 15, 2015
    Eat Ayrshire Scotland
    Ok mate,perhaps we could meet half way? Lets wait until nearer the time, if you let me have your tel no I could phone you whilst in France. Also as a matter of interest we will be riding to Normandy from the Black Forest so could be passing nearbye to you what bike you going to get? Regards Lou
  2. thebiglad

    thebiglad Old fart, still riding !

    Sep 25, 2013
    Central France
    #42 thebiglad, Feb 14, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2016
    Just a thought Lou, I've done a journey plan from the Black Forest area, via my new place on towards Virey.

    It's a bloody long way so if you wanted to you could break your journey and stay the night with us. We'll have two guest bedrooms but we also have a field nearby (1km) so if you're camping we could all stay at the field and have a party ???!2m2!1d-1.1315789!2d48.585067!3e0?hl=en&hl=en

    PS I'll be getting a Triumph Tiger.
  3. stevethegoolie

    stevethegoolie Elite Member

    Oct 16, 2014
    East Riding of Yorkshire
    Just remember one thing ... that there France is a BIG country, as SWMBO and I found out when trying to get to a gite near Pontarlier (Jura) from Dunkirk (nr Canterbury, not the one on the French coast) and leaving at around 09.30hrs and landing in Calais after 13.00hrs local time. OOPS!!:oops:
    Got there way after 7pm for a 4pm (ish) handover!:eek:
    Not made that mistake since, I'm pleased to say.:)
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  4. lucas60

    lucas60 Active Member

    Dec 15, 2015
    Eat Ayrshire Scotland
    Many thanks biglad, but we are already booked into hotels at St Dizier and Orleans for our trip from Seebach to Virey. It looks like the distance is probably to far on this occassion. Regards Lou
  5. thebiglad

    thebiglad Old fart, still riding !

    Sep 25, 2013
    Central France
    OK Lou, I'll see you in August then. :):)

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