A Longish Ride Through Central México

Discussion in 'Rideouts, Trackdays, Touring & Spotted' started by Armando Morales, May 25, 2022.

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  1. Armando Morales

    Armando Morales Noble Member

    Mar 29, 2021
    Left on Friday , tourist activities on Saturday , back on Sunday
    9 Motorcycles, a Vstrom 650, TIger 900, one BMW F850, and 6 R1250 GS
    630 kms one way, 1260 kms round trip
    Highest altitude 2650m, lowest 500m
    Highest temp 45°C , lowest 16°C

    This is my first time visiting the area, it is famous for all the water, natural sites and semi-tropical vegetation, known as the "Huasteca Potosina"
    We stayed in a town called Xilitla, which is on the south edge of the area.
    To get there we have to cross Sierra Gorda a mountain range with awesome views, but the weather did not cooperate, lots and lots of haze due to the crazy heat.

    Here is the route

    We met at a gas station on Friday at 8:00AM, we were on the road at 7:50 AM , a first for a group ride :)
    I left home at 6:45 AM as I had to cross the city during morning rush hour, arrived early but had time to grab an expresso.

    The group getting together: WhatsApp Image 2022-05-20 at 7.48.19 AM.jpg

    Posing at Pinal de Amoles, the highest point of the route, halfway crossing the mountains, no one told us the inferno we had to ride through before reaching Xilitla, the ride started to get warmer to the point where I was thinking it can not get any hotter, and on the next turn I would get another blast of a dragon breath until we reached 45°... it lasted maybe 1 hr , I can not really tell, my wet vest felt like it dried in 5 minutes, I had to keep my helmet completely closed, where I usually leave a small opening, the air was warmer outside than the inside of my already stifling helmet, eventually temperature descended to 32° and we stopped to rest, about 1 hour before arriving to Xilitla.
    WhatsApp Image 2022-05-20 at 8.22.52 PM (1).jpg

    Peña Bernal WhatsApp Image 2022-05-20 at 6.22.08 PM.jpg

    Arriving at the hotel
    WhatsApp Image 2022-05-22 at 5.48.27 PM.jpg

    I got a room with a view DSCF5662.jpg

    Later the group spent time at the pool cooling down and we ordered food.
    By 9PM I was exhausted ...

    continued ...
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  2. Armando Morales

    Armando Morales Noble Member

    Mar 29, 2021
    On Saturday we had an appointment at 10:00 to see the Surrela Garden of Las Pozas, this was created by an englishman between the 1940's to the 1980's, his name was Edward James, more info here:

    The garden is awesome, it does transport you to a fantastic, almost unreal experience





    Afterwards we had a refreshing drink
    WhatsApp Image 2022-05-22 at 6.36.47 PM.jpg

    Went to see the water pool where a river starts, it felt glorious swimming in the cool water
    WhatsApp Image 2022-05-22 at 6.36.46 PM (1).jpg
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  3. Armando Morales

    Armando Morales Noble Member

    Mar 29, 2021
    Riding back home, normal temps, no more riding through hell
    WhatsApp Image 2022-05-22 at 5.49.51 PM (2).jpg
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  4. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    Wow what a fantastic trip. The pictures are brilliant and the water for you swim looks very refeshing.
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  5. Sandi T

    Sandi T It's ride o'clock somewhere!

    Dec 3, 2018
    Tucson Arizona
    What an amazing three day adventure, Armando! :grinning: That first day sounds like it was brutal. :sun::cool::eek: I did the conversion on 45ºC and was stunned to see that is 113ºF! I have ridden in temperatures like that several times so can understand and empathize with you on what that feels like when on a motorcycle. Not pleasant. I'm glad at least that it was only like a furnace on the first day and that things improved from there. I love that photo of your group at Pinal de Amoles. :) It's fun to have pictures like that to document good times with good friends. The garden and pool look incredibly inviting and must have been even more so because of the heat you endured the previous day. Oh, and you definitely had a room with a view--a beautiful one! Thanks for sharing your adventures with us.
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  6. Bikerman

    Bikerman I used to have 5500 posts.

    Oct 29, 2014
    Nice one Armando y115.gif y115.gif
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