So this evening I fancied a different route home from work, having only done 600 miles on the T120 so far a little me time was needed. Leaving Carmarthen I headed out on the A40 past Llandeilo and on to Llandovery this is a great road in its own right but I wanted something different so it wasn't the west end cafe for me but a lesser known road heading for rhandirmwyn which I think translates into arse end of nowhere, A single carriageway road that winds it's way into the mid Wales countryside and ends up at Llyn Brianne reservoir. Here this stunning boot lace of tarmac follows the lake not fast but fun and is my favourite road in Wales the photo is where I parked up for 20 minutes to eat my chunky kit kat. The twisties continue all the way to Tregaron lots of second and third gear switch backs. Few bikers will have ridden the road from Tregaron to Lampeter why would you as Tregaron translates as the other end of the arse end of nowhere, it's fast with bends that draw you in and the bikes pegs touched tarmac more than once. A few more miles and you reach Aberaeron and for me just a short hop down the coast road to New Quay and home, just about 80 miles and under three hours and the best ride home from work I have had this year. I am lucky enough to have these roads on my door step but if any of you find yourselves in the depths of Wales let me know as I would be happy to show you some of the more out of the way routes around here.
Nice bit of that there Welsh Wales! But ....... 20 minutes to eat a Chunky Kit Kat!!?? Bloody wuss!! I could have demolished at least half a dozen in that time and drunk a cup of tea or coffee! OINK!! Oooh, pardon me!
It's all lies!! There's pictures of the bike and the beautiful countryside but no evidence of a kit Kat whatsoever!!