Street Twin Tour Luggage

Discussion in 'Bonneville' started by Sam Wells, Apr 11, 2023.

  1. Sam Wells

    Sam Wells Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2022
    Hello knowledgable forum followers.

    I am looking to go touring on my Street Twin with my wife on the back and need so decent capacity luggage.
    I like the look of the Kriega 32’s

    Has anyone ever fitted a pannier this big to a street twin successfully?

    I have the TEC “coat hanger” rails fitted at the moment with a small set of very battered Triumph throw over bags which are fine for everyday but not really for touring.

    Thanks in advance D2186ABC-CC0F-4955-BD0E-C09CEB5EFDC5.jpeg
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  2. Samsgrandad

    Samsgrandad Senior Member

    Dec 15, 2019
    As far as I am aware the TEC "coat hanger", and the similar Triumph frames are designed to keep the panniers out of the rear wheel and to stop them flapping about! the main weight of the pannier and it's contents are carried by the connections between the panniers.

    I don't think that the TEC frames you have would be strong enough to take the panniers you are looking at.

    You may want to look at other solutions!
  3. Sam Wells

    Sam Wells Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2022

    Thanks for your sound advice, I’ll keep looking
  4. learningtofly

    learningtofly He’s not the Messiah, he’s a very naughty boy!

    Sep 25, 2018
    #4 learningtofly, Apr 14, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2023
    I think the Kriega Duo-28 will be ending up on my incoming T120 - fits the Street Twin too, btw.
  5. Sam Wells

    Sam Wells Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2022
    thanks for the advice, I see long distance sunny rides ahead for you and your incoming T120
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  6. Eldon

    Eldon Elite Member

    Nov 14, 2018
    North Yorkshire
    I have a pair of panniers and frames that came on my street twin that I have no use for so would sell.
    If anyone is interested pm me a mobile number and I can send further pics?

  7. barneymusician

    Jun 11, 2020
    Chiswick, London, UK
    I have the Oxford P50R 50 Litre Panniers
    They're very good. As a stop gap.
    I bought them whilst I searched for optimum panniers for my Street Twin (more on that below...).
    I used the Oxfords extensively whilst couriering as a volunteer during the pandemic lockdown (scrubs for clinics and hot meals for homeless) and they did the job perfectly without complaint.
    A friend then borrowed them for a tour and also loved them.
    They are hardy with many straps of generous velcro for safe securing so I also felt confident travelling at speed with them.
    The zip-out extenders a great feature to give extra space when needed and slim profile when not.
    I think they look relatively good too and despite being perhaps more styled towards sports bikes don't clash too abruptly with the Street Twin's aesthetics (see photos).
    The upsweep shape at rear to avoid exhaust heat/burn also handy and in fact my mate that borrowed them, put them on the wrong way round initially without problem and that way round might be preferable if you have a pillion so less chance their leg room hampered. from the knee bend through calf to foot. (so you can have a pillion on whilst using them no problem)
    They certainly hold up in drizzle fine and (as I recall) came with waterproof over-covers that look like they'd put up a good fight against more persistent rain (I'm a leisure rider - that sounds awful - so avoid bad weather unless unavoidable).
    Perhaps the only real downside to these is that the plus of their secure fastening facilities is also their takes about 10 minutes of strap-faffing to get them on or off which perhaps less of a problem if touring so only doing this once a day when checking in to hotel etc. It also fine if the bike not being left out of sight for long such as if couriering because one wouldn't be leaving the bike unattended for long enough for any scroat to get the wrong idea. But not ideal if one looking for a quick convenient on/off system. The only other downside might be that as saddlebag style you can't (easily) mount one instead of two.
    I paid £100.39 for mine via SportsBikeShop but that was 3 years ago. I will now mention a second pair of panniers I bought that with less capacity but more fitting style-wise and which I in fact use regularly use one of at a time off the bike as my go-to carry bag. They have proved to be hard wearing and stylish with hand buckle and zip pockets all made from good quality leather and as such extremely good value for money. They came from India. Here's the link (they may be discontinued but if so there will be similar available) They were £50 for the pair!
    I will also mention that I did some slightly obsessive research on best panniers for me and my bike...for you or anyone that not dozed off yet...strap in ('scuse the pun!)
    Panniers...I have thoughts and questions.
    1. I think my ST looks best without panniers or rails...however...
    2. Sometimes I need to carry stuff.
    3. Rucksacks can be sweaty, you not the bike are carrying the weight and in a spill they could be dangerous.
    4. Topbox? Just NO.
    5. Rear rack? See 4.
    6. Roll bag etc? Ok, it can sit on rear of saddle and a good solution for medium loads but what if I need to pillion?
    7. So I need panniers, which means I need rails (if panniers so small and high that rails not required then load must be light so I’d say may as well use a rucksack or rollbag or get your pillion to carry a rucksack..)
    So WHAT panniers?!
    A) Must allow for a pillion.
    B ) Decent Size (20+ litres each)
    C) Sensible Price to Quality point
    D) Not overly clash with the ST look
    And preferably...
    E) Can be put on singularly independent of each other
    F) are either quick release & attach
    or relatively permanent fix with inner bags that can be removed (the logic that these both best to avoid theft)
    So looking for the pannier sweet spot there a few that tick some - but not all - boxes.
    The SW Motech good but pricey at £460 complete -
    (this made up of 2 x - and 2 x ).
    So I've dug deep looking for the pannier sweet spot and these close but as said below, the actual bags not great for wear, sort of water resistant and smallish capacity. They do however have the holy grail of quick release and independent of each other. The racks look cool and I have anecdotal evidence of them protecting the bike in a drop. They come with inner waterproof bags but do also recommend occasionally wax-waterproofing the outer for protection.
    As mentioned below Hepco and Becker do a similar system, the legacy is even more pricey although they do a cheaper version - Kriega also do a system - They're all good but less than perfect IMO due to faffery, clash of looks, capacity, convenience, resilience.
    There was ONE set by Touratech that up until recently was the only pannier that fitted all categories criteria listed above...but they've discontinued...I think tragically due to lack if interest!!!
    However,,,their sister company Ortlieb do bicycle panniers and with the 16mm diameter clasps they fit the classic rails I have on my Street Twin (also a good look for most in the Bonnevile range except perhaps the Bobber).
    The only BIG (and it is big) question is does Ortlieb or anyone have any information on whether any/all of their panniers are safe to use on a motorbike? The main concern perhaps being that they'll safely stay on at speeds of up to 70mph and if not that what maximum speed could they safely be used at?
    I rang Ortlieb and understandably they didn't know though I did point out there a potentially huge market if they did some testing...
    So, as I own a pair of these I'm going to test increasing speeds. I'll fit a camera at the back of the bike to film them as I go and might report back here (though very aware that I may well be screaming in to an echo chamber of OCD here).
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  8. Scoot65

    Scoot65 Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2015
    I for one will be interested in hearing an update as and when...
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  9. Scoot65

    Scoot65 Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2015
    Just for info, the last couple of days I've been looking at various pannier options..... jeez, what a rabbit hole it's proved to be lol
    The last couple of days I've been looking into pannier options.......... jeez what a rabbit hole it's turning into lol.

    I quite like the look of the Kriega OS 32 L and 22 L pannier bags, however they require a large mounting plate fixed to existing rails.
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  10. learningtofly

    learningtofly He’s not the Messiah, he’s a very naughty boy!

    Sep 25, 2018
    Again, I'd suggest looking at the Kriega Saddlebags Duo-28 Combo. I've been looking at options for my incoming T120 for some time now, and this is - for me, at least - streets ahead of anything else I've seen.

    One thing I fail to understand is why Triumph only offer their pannier rails in chrome. I know there are plenty of aftermarket alternatives in black, but it does seem absurd to me (and it cost them a substantial sale in terms of options I might otherwise have ordered).
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  11. Scoot65

    Scoot65 Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2015
    I'm going look further into these too.
    Reading the specs on Kriega's website, it says that "total volume 28L" I'm not sure if that's for one bag or both bags combined.
  12. learningtofly

    learningtofly He’s not the Messiah, he’s a very naughty boy!

    Sep 25, 2018
    Combined. You're getting two of the Solo-14 bags.
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  13. Scoot65

    Scoot65 Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2015
    I'm going look further into these too.
    Reading the specs on Kriega's website, it says that "total volume 28L" I'm not sure if that's for one bag or both bags combined. Ideally I'd prefer bags that don't have traps over the seat and instead fasten to the frame / rack... that's just my persoan preference.
  14. Scoot65

    Scoot65 Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2015
    Thanks for the clarification. Appreciated!
  15. learningtofly

    learningtofly He’s not the Messiah, he’s a very naughty boy!

    Sep 25, 2018
    I think you may struggle with that unless you went with a far heavier support system (maybe H&B or similar). I'm not sure that the Triumph style pannier rails - used by many other brands in addition to Triumph - are designed to be anything more than a fixing point, and I doubt they'd take much weight without utilising the seat as well.
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  16. Scoot65

    Scoot65 Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2015
    Thanks for that info. I jadn't actually thought about that!
  17. learningtofly

    learningtofly He’s not the Messiah, he’s a very naughty boy!

    Sep 25, 2018
    I think I may be going for the SW-Motech Legend Gear system and panniers. I like the SLC mounting system and the bags look a little more old-school.
  18. barneymusician

    Jun 11, 2020
    Chiswick, London, UK
    So…although Ortlieb Panniers have clasps that fit perfectly on to the standard Triumph rails they also slide perfectly right off them! The bottom of the bags touch pipes too (maybe not if using non standard). So they eliminated from the running. So from what remaining it seems down to personal preference. The Kriegas and SwMotechs up there.
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  19. barneymusician

    Jun 11, 2020
    Chiswick, London, UK
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  20. Gyp

    Gyp Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2020
    United Kingdom
    Not to the Street Twin, but I've happily hung 112 litres of Givi luggage off the back of the near-identical Street Scrambler with no problem.

    No pillion though, but quite a bit of wine.



    (Before Tony throws his hands up in horror, I've only got the "rugged" pannier on at the moment for day-to-day use)
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