Speed Triple Rs "shift Assist"

Discussion in 'Speed Triple' started by Tony Rokins, Apr 30, 2018.

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  1. Tony Rokins

    Tony Rokins Active Member

    Jun 26, 2017
    Reading, U.K.
    After hearing lots of good things about how much fun the "shift assist" on the Speed RS is, I had it fitted to my bike today at the 500 mile service.
    Admittedly, I've only done 30 or so miles on it, but am so far very unimpressed, am seriously thinking about having it taken off again....I can't seem to get a clean, smooth gearshift from it. It seems to just lurch and crash up and down the gear box. Horrible!
    Maybe I'm doing it wrong....my understanding is that there is no need to use the clutch or close the throttle when shifting up or down, but this just seem to generate the aforementioned crashing, upsetting my mechanical sympathies. I've not been able to find any clear instruction on the general inter-web, so can anybody tell me the correct way to use this device.
    BTW, I'm more that capable of getting a clean gear shift out of this otherwise clean shifting gearbox. Nor do I have a problem blipping the throttle while down shifting.
  2. bob1

    bob1 Noble Member

    Mar 12, 2018
    I got one on my 2016 speed triple r works a treat your using it the right way you do know its not designed to go from 1st to second. with only 500 miles on the clock I take it your still running it in mine works best at 7000 rpm plus.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Richard Neale

    Richard Neale Active Member

    Apr 20, 2018
    #2 Richard Neale, Apr 30, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2018
    I decided mot to get one on mine as I am quite happy dong clutch-less shifts up the box anyway and enjoy the skill of blipping on downshifts. Normally quickshifters work well on the gas hard and high revs so if you are running in, or are not accelerating hard it may be a bit less smooth.
    Some sports bikes bike I have ridden on track the QS only only works on full throttle !

    I find them to be a nuisance myself and not worth the 300 quid unless you are hammering it (which I do do but not all the time...) or on track.

    Nice bit of bling though !

    Just looked in the manual.
    Page 43 shows you select shift assist on or off. so maybe dealer did not activate it / if you are cruising you can turn it off.. Hope you get it sorted so you are happy with it.

    BTW my bike is quite clunky when selecting first gear and sometimes first to second. Is this common ? Also sometimes when I pull my clutch lever it feels like there is a grating feeling for a moment which then disappears ...
  4. Tony Rokins

    Tony Rokins Active Member

    Jun 26, 2017
    Reading, U.K.
    It has been activated on the menu.
  5. Tony Rokins

    Tony Rokins Active Member

    Jun 26, 2017
    Reading, U.K.
    I too enjoy the process and skill involved in getting the gear selection right, up or down. The gear box on the RS is pretty slick. Thought this would be a fun addition. However, so far I'm disappointed...But have been shifting at 4.5 -6krpm only as I'm still running in
    The shift assist has been switched on by the dealer. The owners manual does not mention using or not using the shift assist at any particular revs.
    Can't see the point unless I can get it to work to the point where it's better shifting than I can do by the more traditional method
  6. Matthew Upshall

    Matthew Upshall Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2017
    Tony, they do work better at higher revs. Also keep in mind that your engine and gearbox are not yet fully run in. My RS has only done 170 miles and like you the shift assist is a little rough. It is getting better though with more miles.

    Catch up soon.

    • Like Like x 1
  7. PH1969

    PH1969 Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2017
    You need to spank it and keep it lit up for smooth upshifts.
    Let the tiger out
  8. Chester Monty

    Chester Monty Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2016
    #6 Chester Monty, May 1, 2018
    Last edited: May 3, 2018
    I'm having mine fitted next week at first, I'm a little disappointed reading this!
  9. Rtasker

    Rtasker Member

    Feb 18, 2018
    South West
    Not disputing the experiences above, but mine has been a very positive one. I'm still going through the running in process and have found that it gives very smooth changes. You can snick up through the gears to stay under the 5000 rpm running in limit, and you can do this while cornering, and the change is so quick and smooth that the bike hardly feels it. Just offering another perspective.
    • Like Like x 2
  10. Tony Rokins

    Tony Rokins Active Member

    Jun 26, 2017
    Reading, U.K.
    So what are you doing that I'm not?
  11. Tony Rokins

    Tony Rokins Active Member

    Jun 26, 2017
    Reading, U.K.
    Have a day off on Friday, will take it for a longer ride....see how we get on...
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Rtasker

    Rtasker Member

    Feb 18, 2018
    South West
    Don't know. Certainly mine has worked well from day one. I do just hold the throttle on and click up when I want the next gear. It works well on the way down too, and only gives a bit of a jerk if I change down with an open throttle.

    I wonder if there's a way to tell if yours is actually working. Does the throttle blip when you change down?
  13. Tony Rokins

    Tony Rokins Active Member

    Jun 26, 2017
    Reading, U.K.
    #11 Tony Rokins, May 1, 2018
    Last edited: May 1, 2018
    It does not seem to blip on down shifts, though I've only shifted down at 4-5000rpm with the throttle open. Anyway, I have a day off Friday, so are planning on a much longer ride than the 30 or so miles I've had with the shift assist so far.
  14. Rtasker

    Rtasker Member

    Feb 18, 2018
    South West
    There should be an unmistakable blip when changing down on a closed throttle. Hope it comes right on Friday.
  15. ellerslie

    ellerslie Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2018
    Mine works fine at all revs. My bike has covered 250 miles, so by all revs, I mean in a very low range.

    Upshifts, hold a constant throttle. You'll be amazed at how much your muscle memory is closing the throttle without you realising. That was certainly the case with me and I did find it a bit lurchy to start with as a result.

    Downshifts, if you do them with anything other than a closed throttle, you will get a lurch. The rev match is perfect on mine.

    See how you get on and take it back if it's not smooth. It should be. I love mine.
  16. tcbandituk


    Apr 8, 2016
    It'll be that still after only 30 miles, you do need to actually reset your actions/muscle memory on throttle control with the shift assist, it's worth it though :p

    Took me ages to adjust to an airshifter for racing, after so many years on road bikes......
  17. Tony Rokins

    Tony Rokins Active Member

    Jun 26, 2017
    Reading, U.K.
    After having the shift assist fitted on Monday and some initial disappointment, I managed to get another 120 miles under my RS's wheels yesterday riding out with TC and the The Paminator (the wife) who's riding what was my 2011 Speedy.
    Here's my thoughts.....
    This might sound like a dumb thing to say but the shift assist does not turn your gearbox into a auto or even semi-auto 'box. Using the shift assist properly is an additional riding skill that needs to be learnt, but you'll only really use when getting a wriggle on....
    The next thing to mention is that the instructions in the owners manual about keeping the throttle open on both up and down shifts is incorrect....Close the throttle on down shifts.....Then the auto-blipper works great.
    Only use the shift assist on up shifts if you have a minimum of 4k rpm on the dial. The more revs you have, the better it works. 5,000 or 6,000rpm gives a nice clean up-shift but you do really want to be pinning it.
    Down shifts; again have minimum 4-5k rpms on the dial, close the throttle. You'll hear the engine being "auto-blipped" when down shifting and it will give you a nice, smooth down shift. I actually think changing down through the gears is when the shift-assist works best.
    • Like Like x 4
  18. Jonboro

    Jonboro Member

    May 2, 2018
    I would imagine only being able to do 5000 revs won't help as your running it in . I have one ordered for mine told it might be July because of back log at triumph.
    Got my new bike Saturday it's class
    • Like Like x 2
  19. ellerslie

    ellerslie Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2018

    This is not true, you can use the shifter at any revs, it works fine.

    I use mine without even thinking now, clutchless downshifts were hard for my head to get around.
    • Like Like x 1
  20. tcbandituk


    Apr 8, 2016
    Try using it at 2,000 rpm with 5% throttle, bet it won't work too well then.....
    • Like Like x 1
  21. ellerslie

    ellerslie Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2018
    I can't say I can metre 5% accurately but it deffo works at 2k on a very light throttle.
  22. tcbandituk


    Apr 8, 2016
    Ah hang on, when you say 'works', you mean it will still shift gear, not, it will shift gear cleanly?
    Not even a quickshifter manufacturer would claim that......

    Also, it will buggar up your gearbox if you keep using it like that.

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