Side Case Repair Or Replace

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Rob the Scott, Oct 23, 2024.

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  1. Rob the Scott

    Rob the Scott Active Member

    Dec 14, 2022
    New Jersey
    Side Case Repair or Replace for Sprint GT or Trophy SE.

    I have a 2013 Trophy SE and 2011 Sprint GT that have the hard side cases. These cases are interchangeable, except for the lock/key. The interior case on the Trophy has a huge crack (6'" long) at the hinge, and threatens to break off. I have tried Plast-Aid to repair it, but there is enough stress at the hinge that it has re-broken. I need to replace JUST the internal case on the exterior side (away from the bike) excluding the colored case shell (which is removable). The locking mechanism on the external side is also removable.
    Unfortunately, that exterior internal shell (part 2356015 RH) is not sold separately. Only the entire case is sold (for a king's ransom).
    I have considered a dubious method of bracing the crack inside and out and bolting through, but I'm not confident that it will work. Does anyone have any suggestion on used replacement parts? I have been haunting eBay and FB Marketplace, but no luck yet. Any input would be greatly appreciated!!
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  2. CraigHew

    CraigHew Member

    Jul 25, 2021
    Whitchurch, Shropshire
    An internal fibreglass repair?
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  3. Rob the Scott

    Rob the Scott Active Member

    Dec 14, 2022
    New Jersey
    Thanks for that. I fear that fiberglass will not adhere to ABS. My son has about 11 years of 3D printing experience (works at Wake Forest's Biotechnology Lab). He said that it is possible to melt/weld ABS by heating the break to the "glass point", where is softens and still holds its shape. The idea is to soften it enough for the crack to reform as one piece. Unfortunately, that requires much more precision than I have available.

    While I search for a replacement part, I'm going to fabricate a brace and bolt through the plastic at the crack. He agreed that is what he would do, given the stress at the hinge.

    Thanks again for giving it some thought!
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  4. CraigHew

    CraigHew Member

    Jul 25, 2021
    Whitchurch, Shropshire
    Ok, final thought, there are some very good structural epoxy adhesives around, some showing to be as strong as a weld. Finding one for abs via google could be worth 10 minutes research
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  5. Boothman

    Boothman Noble Member

    Jul 26, 2023
    Can you get what you need from this one on eBay|tkp:Bk9SR-a5ru_XZA
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  6. Rob the Scott

    Rob the Scott Active Member

    Dec 14, 2022
    New Jersey

    That would be perfect....if I was in England. Sadly, they will not post to the US. If they did, I'd expect the shipping to be costly, added to the purchase price.
    Thanks for that, though. It was a great idea!
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  7. Rob the Scott

    Rob the Scott Active Member

    Dec 14, 2022
    New Jersey
    Good idea! I will spend the 10 minutes and see if there is such a product. BTW, the previous owner used 2-part epoxy to glue small metal brackets across the crack (unbeknownst to me). Unfortunately, the epoxy was not strong enough at the hinge, so it failed with the first full load in the case. Hopefully, I'll find something better. Either way, many thanks for the consideration!
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  8. Boothman

    Boothman Noble Member

    Jul 26, 2023
    Oops never thought to check where you are located - my bad :cool:
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  9. Pegscraper

    Pegscraper Elite Member

    Jun 12, 2020
    ABS plastic can be welded with the right kit, I've seen it done on fairings and ABS car parts.
    I've just repaired an ABS dashboard moulding in the SUV with the superglue/ baking soda trick.
    Don't know how practical it would be for a larger repair. Check out youtube.
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  10. Rob the Scott

    Rob the Scott Active Member

    Dec 14, 2022
    New Jersey
    Here was my work-in-progress for the final repair. I applied black 2-part epoxy to the extensive crack before mounting these [rough] aluminum brackets and bolting them through the plastic. Note the bracket (with two mounting holes) fit into the hinge mount to support the hinge. The second photo was the completed project from the inside. I'll apply an adhesive pad to the bolt heads to limit any scratches should I put a helmet in there.

    Fingers crossed!

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