Would You Have The Corvid Vaccine Tomorrow If Offered?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Rooster, Nov 15, 2020.

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  1. Yes

    49 vote(s)
  2. No

    26 vote(s)
  1. Hubaxe

    Hubaxe Good moaning! aka Mr Wordsalad :)

    Mar 25, 2020
    Aix Les bains - French Alps
    and now Russia today.. :rolleyes: What are you trying to do exactly? convince people? The minority already into deny are already in, the others won't fall in. Useless discussion, useless effort.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Donnie-boy

    Donnie-boy Member

    Jan 1, 2022
    Emerald Isle NC
    Who are the perps?
    Who is perpetrating lies.

    I am so sad that people have lost trust in my country, my USA.
    I recognize that they have become genuinely and steadfastly convinced it is all a lie by... some unnamed unidentifiable unspottable unquotable invisible organization.

    Who, what secretly organized power is conspiring to lead me to distrust my government, my doctors, my own intuition?

    If I am to believe you anti-vaxers, you stole the election people, then ....I also have to submit to the idea that ... if that is true then ALL IS LOST IN OUR DEMOCRACY! The experiment failed, the people have lost control. A boogey man has taken over and is now going to kill us. I should topple the government?

    Yeah, of course I got vaxed.

    It is a darn slippery slope... so it is that I TOO HATE that they make it a LAW that you must vax, and I am against it. And yet, it actually would protect me (and you).

    I recognize that many are fearful and doubtful and are GENUINELY AND FIRMLY CONVINCED that their own government has turned on them and is handing out poison, not an antidote. What has happened to America?
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Traveller

    Traveller Active Member

    Mar 16, 2020
    New Jersey
    The US is not a Democracy it is a Constitutional Republic, this is the main reason the COVID vaccine mandate's are illegal. A Constitutional Republic is set up to protect the rights of all people as individuals whereas a Democracy supports the majority rule.
  4. Donnie-boy

    Donnie-boy Member

    Jan 1, 2022
    Emerald Isle NC
    While I am very much against the slippery slope of forced vaccination, I gotta say that the proposition you put forth is rather comical... the only people who could vote for a representative needed to be white male land owners. Maybe SOMEONE'S constitutional republic was set up that way, but not ours. It has evolved though.
  5. Wessa

    Wessa Cruising

    Apr 27, 2016
    North West England
    In an open and free society our freedom of choice is often controlled for the great benefit of that society. Their are many examples where this is the case, vaccines is just one.
    • Agree Agree x 5
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  6. Traveller

    Traveller Active Member

    Mar 16, 2020
    New Jersey
    True and not true at the same time. Each state had it's own laws that decided who could and could not vote. In some cases you had to pass a literacy test to vote, in others you just had to be a land owner, there where other things depending on the state. But yes we have evolved based on the constitution to a country that grants certain rights to all citizens and those rights are protected by the republic.
  7. Donnie-boy

    Donnie-boy Member

    Jan 1, 2022
    Emerald Isle NC
    As I continue about my objection to legally forced vaccination and restate my irrepressible joy that it is available to me and that I happily vax:

    The Tenth Amendment says that the Federal Government only has those powers delegated in the Constitution. If it isn't listed, it belongs to the states or to the people.

    I am no constitutional lawyer, yet I suppose forced vaccination can be enforced by a state (like texas forbids abortion or states force obtaining a motorycle riding permit and/or helmets.). We can only hope that things do not descend to forced vaccination, and that people get vaccinated, and it beomes a moot point.

    Oh yeah and hope and pray (if ya want) I am not mistaken. for my sake I hope that no robots get injected into me that make me get hypnotized into voting democratic to raise taxes to 90% and then turning me into a communist as our country is overtaken by the Russians.

    Then we can gather together and talk about the best way to move our country forward. There is only one truth.
  8. Golgotha

    Golgotha Guest

    #1208 Golgotha, Feb 8, 2022
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2022
    "Happily vaxxed." Good for you. Your condescending attempt at satire just negated everything else you said there, not that you needed any of that because pretty much everything you just said there is contrived bullshit.

    And if you want to begin to suggest that things could even remotely decay into "government forced vaccinations" we can return to another discussion on the 2nd Amendment, because shit like that is the very reason 2A's in place, and it will be exercised in large numbers should something that tremendously foolish kick off. Furthermore, to equate a government forced medical procedure to a legally mandated vehicular safety regulation or an illegal invasive surgical procedure banned by legislative action really illuminates how clueless you are on these matters.

    "There is only one truth" …to people like you, that's it.
  9. andypandy

    andypandy Crème de la Crème

    Jan 10, 2016
    This dead horse hasn't just been flogged has it ?
    Vapourised maybe ?
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Octoberon

    Octoberon Crème de la Crème

    Jul 2, 2020
    Peak District, Yorkshire
    But would the horse have died if it had been vaccinated?
    • Funny Funny x 5
  11. DCS900

    DCS900 Careful, man! There’s a beverage here!

    Sep 11, 2021
    Everyone will die, vaccinated or not… that and taxes!!!

    • Like Like x 1
  12. Octoberon

    Octoberon Crème de la Crème

    Jul 2, 2020
    Peak District, Yorkshire
    Both should be left as late as possible.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Golgotha

    Golgotha Guest

    #1213 Golgotha, Feb 8, 2022
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2022

    I said that 20 or 30 pages ago.
  14. Donnie-boy

    Donnie-boy Member

    Jan 1, 2022
    Emerald Isle NC
    Oh, lighten up will ya?

    Surely no one thinks anything other than I was reaching for a laugh? Yeah, I do make fun of some of the mis information that some people spout.

    But I also explicitly state somewhere along the line that I do not believe in forced vaccination, then do my best to explain why.

    And maybe you don't see a connection between the government forcing me to do something for my protection along with the financial protection of the general citizenry (uninsured must wear a helmet) Vs. the idea that vaccine protects me along with the general citizenry from financial loss of uninsured patients and overcrowding? Ok, nevertheless it seems like that was reasonable analogy to me.

    Your argument was to say "no it isn't" in flowery prose that served to say the opposite of me. That is, you put forth an opposite proposition but did not go on to support it. In logic terms, you are simply begging the question.

    As far me conditionally citing the 10th amendment as a possible reason why a particular state might or might not enforce vaccination is not so way far off realiity, is it? I welcome conversation, enlightenment, and willingly accept and invite correction.

    And so I re-ask you: The "right to refuse medication" is not specifically granted in the constitution is it? My answer is refer to the 10th amendment then the answer becomes yes, via state's rights and that state's particular laws. How is that wrong?


    I do trust the government to give me a healthy vaccine.

    I do not want anyone to be legally forced to take it. That is too slippery a slope.

    I think - without any medical credentials whatsoever - the vaccine works.

    Hospitals are overcrowded with people not vaxed, many of whom die.

    I think if more were vaxed then ...measures to eliminate hospital overcrowding such as social distancing, quarantines, masks... all that stuff, would be much more lenient measures. But I hate legal enforcement of it.

    I am responding "yes" to the question of the original post "would I get vaccine" and then talking about various aspects of the topic.

    Why are you so combative?
    Do you think vaccination is a good idea?
    What did I say to have you lauch this ad hominum attack?

    Sincerly... I do my best to remain logically sound, perhaps somtimes I fail but I try nevertheless, to keep things logical - unless otherwise stated.

    • Like Like x 3
  15. Hubaxe

    Hubaxe Good moaning! aka Mr Wordsalad :)

    Mar 25, 2020
    Aix Les bains - French Alps
    You've just put a new coin to hear a new tune from the conspi-Juke-box :grinning:
    Let them put their tin foil hat and they come to flood us with amazing links and videos (all highly trustable at the condition being highly paranoid).

    I'm away..
    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 2
  16. Golgotha

    Golgotha Guest

    ^ ^ Your knee jerk reaction to discourse continues to be- level accusations, flowery word salad, and condescension. You're not here to discuss, you're here to belittle.

    Tell you what- you show ME where it says anywhere that any level of government has the right to force people to submit to an injection. How 'bout that? I've already shown you where it says we have the right to protect ourselves from such overreach. You don't even understand the pretext of the Constitution because the entire document is a charter of rights and limits of power, not mandates. You're clueless, dude. But I get it, you love your government… as long as your guys are at the helm, right? Bet you wouldn't be so keen on a forced vaxx if Trump was still making the call.

    This statement pretty much sums you up to T...

    Again… as long as your people call the shots, yeah? You obviously have not read any history on this stuff, so you are clearly beyond council. Just continue to cling to your like-minded government saviors to provide you with this source contentment and peace of mind, then. Makes no difference to me.

    MARKYMARKTHREE Senior Member

    Feb 11, 2020
    Don't forget the graphs, graphs and more frigging graphs that nobody could be arsed to look at. :mask::mask::mask:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  18. Donnie-boy

    Donnie-boy Member

    Jan 1, 2022
    Emerald Isle NC
    Galgotha, you wrote:
    But I get it, you love your government… as long as your guys are at the helm, right? Bet you wouldn't be so keen on a forced vaxx if Trump was still making the call.
    This statement pretty much sums you up to T...
    Donnie-boy said:
    I do trust the government to give me a healthy vaccine.

    So I ask:
    Why is loving my government so bad?
    Why is trusting my government so bad.
    Regarding "if Trump"... I recall him naming it the "Trump Vaccine", thus I do not understand why you bring politics into the issue.

    Lastly regarding forced vaccination, all I have ever said was I do not believe in that, and why I don't believe in it, and I cite the 10th amnedment to explain why I don't think it is legal to force vaccinations.

    What in the world is wrong with your reading comprehension? I am not defending forced vaccination. Quite the opposite. But I do point out how it is, by my logic and reading of the constitution, quite possibly the purvue of the state to force or not force, and even then... a very grey area.

    It is like you can't wait for someon else to finish so that you can ignore what they said then unload your mean spirited half baked logically indefensible replies.

    You said:
    That is exactly what I have done. What is the problem? You seem very emotionally convinced of you superior insight, and cite the 'pretext' of the constitution (a made up form of reference - what the hell does that mean) as a defense. I actually cite the constitution itself and put forth the very proposition you so steadfastly defend, which is that it is probably our right tto refuse, based on... the constitution.

    I am thinking... I am talking to a FAKE PROFILE. You do not respond. Instead you cut and paste out of context then spew out contradictory blather.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. DCS900

    DCS900 Careful, man! There’s a beverage here!

    Sep 11, 2021
  20. Golgotha

    Golgotha Guest

    You consider the mandate a viable option. I think you embrace it. So FTR I'm calling your BS. By the very fact that you blindly trust the government with something like this (once again- when YOUR guys are in charge) tells me you are … again… beyond reproach, so I'm not going to bother.

    You can love and trust the government all you want, go for it, wear it out. Again- you clearly haven't read any history on their track record here. You're so quick to pop off with all your lofty language-coated accusations you're ignoring the basic points here. I've kept it simple, real. You consistently slather your posts with layers of faux compassionate pontification. Your angle here has been consistent. You're a pretend intellectual banging away in circles.

    How many times have I had to to prefix simple statements with "again?" Actually read things the first time. You're like an old broken record.
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